Why do I love Chocolate?

Chocolate has many great benefits, so eat up šŸ˜‰ Here are a few fun facts about one of my favorite foods.

Dark Chocolate

1. It can help you lower your blood pressure and prevent blood clots.

2. Ā It increases blood flow to the brain, which can improve cognitive function.

3. It has a positive affect on your mood.

4. It gives you a small boost of caffeine (27 mg of caffeine in a 1.5 ounce bar).

5. It helps control your blood sugar.

6. It’s filled with antioxidants

7. It contains vitamins and minerals, such asĀ Potassium, Copper, Magnesium, and Iron

Cocoa Powder

1. Good source of fiber

2. It hasĀ iron, magnesium, phosphorous and zinc

3. Ā Rich in antioxidants






Why do I LOVE Avocados?

So I have been doing the I LOVE Avocados series for a while now, and I just wanted to clarify why I love them so much. Besides being creamy, rich, smooth, and versatile, avocados have some fantastic health benefits. Here are some fun facts about the avocado.

  1. They have 15 g of heart- healthy monounsaturated fat
  2. They contain 1/3 of your daily requirement for vitamin C
  3. They contain more than 1/2 of your daily requirement for vitamin K. This vitamin plays a crucial role in proper bone density and growth.
  4. They have vitamin B too which is great for metabolism and skin.
  5. One avocado is 75% insoluble fiber and 25% soluble fiber, which is great for you digestive system. It also keeps you full longer.



